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Determining Zero Rates & Zero-Curve

Calculate zero rates from coupon bond prices and coupon rates.

Additional Information

To ensure accurate computations, the input data must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. All input lists must be complete and well-formatted
    Each list must have the same length.

  2. The first bond should ideally be a zero-coupon bond
    Bootstrapping works best when the shortest-maturity bond is zero-coupon, ensuring a reliable starting point.

  3. Maturities should align with coupon payment schedules
    Each maturity ( T ) should be a multiple of ( 1/m ) (where ( m ) is the compounding frequency).
    Example: If coupons are paid semi-annually (( m=2 )), maturities must be at intervals like 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, etc.

If these conditions are not met, the zero rates calculation may fail or produce inaccurate results.



CSV File with Zero Rates: N/A


Zero Rates Curve

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Zero Rates vs Bond Prices

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